Warning Lots of pictures.....I know that my posts are not in order but I figured I better post pictures from our Cruise before I totally forget. We left the end of May for Vegas for few days before we flew out to Florida for our cruise! We went with our Friends Kim & Jesse Barton! Here are a few Random pictures from Vegas!
M&M world! We spent a good 45 minutes to and hour wandering around this store.
the boys had to get their picture taken with the "hot" brown M&M...
this one has to be me favorite! Peanut M&M's are the best!

before we got on the roller coaster at the adventure dome!

aren't our faces priceless?
getting ready to watch the Sirens of TI show. Man this show has changed since I saw it with my parents. defiantly not family friendly any more.
THE ROCK outside the wax museum
the sirens of TI chopper!
this is the flames from the Mirage. You could still feel the heat from them where we were standing across the street.
After our fun filled days in Vegas we flew out to Florida so that we could board our ship! We had 3 flights out with stops in Huston, Denver and fort laderdale. It was an interesting 1st flight for me because I had never been on a plane. I defiantly cant sit next to the window it makes me sick to watch the ground leave when you take off. I didn't mind the window seat after it got dark It was amazing to see all the lights as we came in to land. Anyway it was late when we got to fort laderdale so we took a shuttle to the motel and Kim and I called it a night while the guys went to Denny's for something to eat. The next morning we grab some breakfast at Denny's and then caught the shuttle to the dock so that we could be there when they started to let people on the boat.
Getting on the boat!!!!
Kim & I eating our 1st meal on the ship.
Dennis & Jesse eating their 1st meal on the boat.
Me looking at the view .....
We had to take a picture with the flag! It was fitting as we were on Carnival FREEDOM & Jesse had only been home from Iraq a few weeks. Thank you Jesse for your service to our country.
this was as we were pulling away from the dock to set sail!
Good bye land hello ocean......for the next 6 days!
we played minutre golf while we waited for our rooms to be ready!
Once we were finally allowed to go to our rooms we had to wait for our luggage to get to our room!
this is looking in from the balcony
looking in from the door
the bathroom
more of the bathroom
this picture is looking at the vanity from the bed.....oh and these pictures are of the room after we had been on the boat for a few days.
while we were getting ready to go to dinner our 1st night we had a knock on the door, & this cake was delivered to us! It was from Jesse & Kim. Since Dennis & I never went on a Honeymoon we said this trip was it! The cake was delicious!
when we came back from dinner we had this cute dog on our bed!
1st stop Key West, Florida! On the balcony before we left for our adventure for the day!
at this stop we went snorkling!
I have to say this was the least fun of our stops. Due to the 2 foot waves we had to deal with while snorkling. You would finally get a good rythm going and you would crash through a wave and get a mouth full of salt water. GROSS.
Formal dinner night!
another towell creation!
Grand Cayman stop. This stop was by far the favorite stop for me. We went to Sting Ray City, Starfish point, and the coral gardens! snorkling this go round was so much better! The coral was beautiful and so were the fish. Playing with the sing rays was amazing. We got to hold , feed and kiss them. I highly recomend going through Soto's Cruises if you ever go to sting ray city!!!!
yes those are live star fish!
another towell creation
Ocho rios Jamaica
We went to Margaritaville and hung out on their private beach for the day!
our Nachos that we had for lunch....fed all 4 of us.YUMMY
this is their beach.....I waited for this day since I found out I was going just so I could say I have my toes in the water and my ass in the sand.....lol. We spent a good part of being on the beach collecting sea shells!
this bottom picture is of a coral reef that was sticking out of the water as we were leaving Jamaica
this was one of our days at sea. Kim and I were playoing Disney triva! So mad we lost...grrr
taking advantage of our 24 hour room service
the last night at dinner Dennis, Jesse and I all wore bight flowery shirts to dinner!
Just a fun picture we took at one of the photo op stations on the ship!
2nd formal dinner night!
this night was horible...we all were sea sick. between that big waves and us traveling faster then normal to make up time it wasnt a good combo.
back on dry land! We had to call the kids 1st chance we got! We missed them.