I have seen this survey going around, so I finally decided to join in. It's a survey for your kids to answer about you. So here are the answers from 6 1/2 year old Kamree:
1. What is something Mom always says to you? I love you
2. What makes Mom happy? when I clean my room
3. What makes Mom sad? When daddy is not home
4. How does your Mom make you laugh? when you make funny faces
5. What was your Mom like as a child? a goofball
6. How old is your Mom? 29 ( almost I will be 25 next month)
7. How tall is your Mom? 4 feet 6 inches ( lol )
8. What is Mom's favorite thing to do? Scrapbook
9. What does your Mom do when you're not around? Clean my room so I don't know if you throw stuff away.
10. If your Mom becomes famous, what will it be for? Scrapbooking
11. What is your Mom really good at? Scrapbooking
12. What is your Mom not very good at? golfing ( this is true)
13. What does your Mom do for her job? To take care if me
14. What is your mom's favorite food? Salad ( yes it is )
15. What makes you proud of your Mom? That you take care of me
16. If your Mom were a cartoon character, who would she be? Darby from my friends Tigger and Pooh....she is very good at solving problems.
17. What do you and your Mom do together? Read, go shopping, & have fun
18. How are you and your Mom the same? We both have the same color eyes
19. How are you and your Mom different? she has a different hair color than me
20. How do you know your Mom loves you? Because you love me more than the whole wide world times infinity
21. Where is your Mom's favorite place to go? St. George to see her family