I found this thirty day blog challenge deal on my friend Lyndy's blog. I thought it sounded fun, I don't know where it started or anything.I just thought it would be fun to do and maybe it would get me back into posting on my blog again. So here we go...............
Day one: A recent picture of yourself and 15 interesting facts about you.
I don't know how interesting these are but here ya go!
1- I think I have the cutest kids on the planet.
2- I bite my fingernails on a daily basis.
3- I love people whole heartedly
4- I love purses.
5- I enjoy writing poetry. ( I never let anyone but my husband read it though)
6- I love holidays, and all the family activities they bring!
7- I turn the music up loud and drive slow when I am alone in the car.
8- I am completely, utterly, perfectly, totally, in love with my wonderful husband.
9- I prefer baths over showers. They seem to help me unwind after long days.
10- I want to go back to school to become a massage therapist.
11- I have lived in the state of Utah my whole life
12- I was a tom boy growing up. Love to get dirty like the boys.....lol
13- I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Later day saints.
14- I am the oldest child in my family and the only girl.
15- I love having short hair. Although there are days when I miss the long hair.( Especially when I am having a bad hair day)
the next 30 days will go as follows:
day 2- the meaning of your blog name
day3- a picture of your friends
day 4- a habit you wish you didn’t have
day 5 - picture of some where you have been
day 6 - favorite super hero and why
day 7- a picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you
day 8- short term goals for this month and why
day 9- something you're proud of in the past few days
day 10- songs you listen to when you are happy, sad, bored, hyped, mad
day 11- another picture of you and your friends
day 12- how you found out about blogger and why you have one
day 13- a letter to someone who has hurt you recently
day 14- a picture of you and your family
day 15- put your ipod on shuffle: first 10 songs that play
day 16- another picture of yourself
day 17- someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why
day 18- plans/dreams/goals you have
day 19- nicknames you have and why you have them
day 20- someone you see yourself marrying or being with in the future
day 21- a picture of something that makes you happy
day 22- what makes you different from everyone else
day 23- something you crave for a lot
day 24- a letter to your parents
day 25- what I would find in your bag
day 26- what do you think about your friends
day 27- why are you doing this 30 day challenge
day 28- a picture of you from last year and now, how have you changed since then?
day 29- in this past month, what have you learned
day 30- your favorite song
8 years ago
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